Recommended Technology Tools
This is my curated list of tools and products I recommend most for adopting Agile methods into your law practice. I have personally used and tested every recommendation on this page, either in my own business or in my work with my clients. I have an affiliate relationship with some of these companies, but they wouldn't be on here if I weren't willing to stand behind them. In some cases, my affiliate deal lets you get additional features or better pricing if you decided to buy or subscribe to a product.

Online Kanban Software
A lot of software products these days have built-in kanban boards, but that's not the same as a fully-fledged kanban tool. The first step of the Kanban Methodology is to make the work visible, and nearly every board can do that. What sets these recommendations apart are their ability to manage the flow of work through your systems with work-in-process limits, buffer columns, and service level expectations.