Free Resources for an Agile Legal Practice
I've developed a ton of resources over the years. Look around and see if any of them might work for you...

The Agile Attorney Boot Camp
A 5-day email course introducing you to the five most impactful lessons I teach all of my clients. Updated for 2022, this is a great way to get oriented to an Agile way of thinking about delivering legal services.

Law Practice Self Assessment Tool
I originally developed this questionnaire as homework for people who purchase my Bottleneck Breakthrough Jam workshop, but lawyers tell me that it gives them a lot of insight into their practice all by itself, so I've made it available as a standalone tool. It takes between 5 and 25 minutes to complete, depending on how thoroughly you answer the questions (very few are required, so you can skip around).

Recommended Technology Tools
I try to be technology agnostic; I truly believe your first best investment is making the most of the tools and systems you already have. But every tool has its limits. If you're ready to level-up your tools, check out my recommendations for powerful (and affordable) software.

The Agile Attorney Podcast
Season 1 features my "Voice of the Client" series, where you'll hear how clients really feel about working with attorneys.

The Practice Model Canvas
Modeled off of the "Business Model Canvas" by Alex Osterwalder and the "Lean Canvas" by Ash Maurya. You can use this tool to think through the key elements of your practice model. Think of it as a 1-page business plan that you write with sticky notes and a sharpie.