Clio Cloud 2015: A Fireside Legal Chat about Outsourcing and Project Management

Written By John E. Grant  |  Podcast, Productivity  |  0 Comments

What do outsourcing, Lean, and Agile mean for your law firm? Find out by listening to this Special Report with legal entrepreneurs Basha Rubin and Mirra Levitt plus Lean/Agile evangelist John E. Grant. Together they discuss their respective Clio Cloud Conference presentations with Legal Talk Network producer Laurence Colletti.

Tune in to hear where clients are searching for attorneys today, how the emoji lawyer problem affects your practice, and why lawyers need to adopt a culture for learning in their firms. In addition, hear Basha, Mirra, and John debate the merits of Agile principles as well as the minimally viable product concept in the legal profession.

You can listen to the episode on Legal Talk Network's Podcast Page, or at any of the links below:

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