One of my coaching clients, Ben Hudson, and I joined Melissa Shanahan on her Law Firm Owner Podcast and had a great conversation. Read what Melissa says about the episode here:
Do you ever wonder what kind of impact having an expert by your side can have on your practice? What are the similarities between the processes Melissa teaches in Velocity Work and other experts in the field? Can you apply different approaches and see results in your firm?
This week, you’re hearing Melissa’s conversation with Mastery Group member Ben Hudson of Hudson Law and John Grant of Agile Attorney Consulting who you recently heard on the podcast. Ben has worked with both Melissa and John, and on this episode, he’s sharing what it’s like being facilitated through Monday Map, his work focusing on the Kanban methodology with John, and why they’re complementary.
Tune in as Ben showcases the value of getting expert help to help you accomplish your goals, and how Melissa and John are essentially cracking the same nut but with slightly different approaches. Ben is offering context for what exactly Velocity Work is, and how he’s done the work to optimize his firm.
What You’ll Discover:
• Ben’s insights on how John’s work and the work done inside Velocity Work are complementary.
• The biggest revelations Ben has experienced through his work with John and Melissa.
• How John helps his clients understand what they need to tend to first.
• The advantage of having a workflow that helps you deliver different flavors of work.
• Where there are similarities between Melissa’s approach and the Kanban methodology.
• How adding capacity could actually make things worse in your practice.
• The value of optimizing flow efficiency.
• How the Kanban mythology makes lawyers’ lives and the communities they serve better.
You can listen to the episode on Velocity Work's Podcast Page, or at any of the links below: