A quick heads up: I’m about to try to move this blog to a new home. I’m keeping the Legal Value Theory moniker but moving the blog itself to my new website at agileattorney.com. The new site is also powered by WordPress and their transfer tools are pretty good, but there’s always a chance of something getting lost in the shuffle.
If you have any trouble accessing the blog or any permalinks, please let me know.
I’ll also be adding a bunch of new content soon (I’ve been focused on getting the new site up and running and have neglected the blog itself), so stay tuned!
Hi John. Nice job on the new website. It looks great. Do we need to re-subscribe to the blog once the transition is complete?
I hope so, but that’s one of the things I’m figuring out…
Hey Forrest: Checking back–can you tell if your subscription was transferred?
It seems not. I just happened to come back and look at this post on the new site, but I haven’t received any further emails from the blog. Let me know if you need any troubleshooting assistance.