Today I’m reaching back to an episode I recorded for Megan Zavieh’s Lawyers Gone Ethical podcast back in the early days of the pandemic (April 2020). I had just published a video titled Why US Courts Will Gridlock, about why I (correctly) believed that courts shutting down in early 2020 would have long-term ramifications for their dockets.
I bring it up now because the concepts I explored in that video (and in Megan’s podcast) are every bit as applicable to your law practice as they were/are to the courts.
Topics Megan and I discuss include:
- The inherent tension between protection and accessibility.
- Survivorship bias
- Little’s Law (or why work slows down if your inflow exceeds your outflow)
- Leveling the playing field for mixed-medium court appearances (one party in person and one party remote)
On that last one, there’s a great (if esoteric) paper by Sufflok Law School’s Quentin Steenhuis and David Colarusso on how the legal system can implement its own version of curb cuts–the mini sidewalk ramps that are essential for people in wheelchairs but also convenient for anyone pushing a stroller or who ran a maraton yesterday.
You can listen to my Lawyers Gone Ethical Podcast episode (number 110) using your favorite podcast player:
- Listen on Apple Podcasts
- Listen on Google Podcasts
- Listen on Overcast (my player of choice)
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