Gravity Legal Podcast

Written By John E. Grant  |  Podcast, Productivity  |  0 Comments

I joined Dan Lear on the Gravity Legal Podcast to share some of the valuable lessons I have learned from my experience while consulting for law firms and working for Getty Images.

Show Highlights:

  • John explains who he is, what he does, and how he thinks about the economics of law firms and legal services. 
  • One of the strongest lessons that John took away from Getty Images.
  • Some of the key insights from Getty that John has brought into his consulting business.
  • Bringing agile and lean to lawyers and law firms.
  • The internet has made vast amounts of information available to everyone, for free - how does this affect law? 
  • The biggest hurdle that the legal profession has to overcome. 
  • John explains the economics of productizing legal services. 
  • Thinking about legal products from a Lean and Agile perspective.
  • Looking at the portfolio model. A productized service using a flat fee billing model.
  • Stepping back and looking at the bigger picture to find the best problem-solving methodology.
  • Setting change in motion by first observing the status quo.
  • Very few lawyers focus on creating a quality customer experience.
  • The Kanban Board is a great tool to make knowledge-work visible. 
  • John talks about his courses, workshops, and coaching. 

You can listen to the episode on Gravity Legal's Podcast Page, or at any of the links below:

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